Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Collection
Each Chakra Aromatherapy Roll-On is formulated to be energetically balancing to one of the 7 main Chakras. Along with visualization, meditation, pranayama, and certain yoga practices, these aromatic combinations are powerful tools for energetic healing.
Each chakra resonates with different emotional, spiritual, and physical patterns, and restoring harmonious flow throughout this system can bring about profound healing on many levels. There are various techniques for removing energetic blockages or taming excessive flow within the chakra system, and these aromatherapy combinations have been carefully combined to help with both.
So whether there is not enough energy, or too much, flowing through an energetic center, the goal is to find personal balance for each one, until the whole system is vibrant, free flowing and aligned. All ingredients are pure and organic!
Root Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Muladhara
Sacral Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Svadhisthana
Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Manipura
Heart Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Anahata
Throat Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Vishuddha
Third Eye Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Ajna
Crown Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Roll-On – Sahasrara